Planning a birthday, bachelorette, or other party? Looking for a fun pop-up event for your shop or cafe?
I am available to read tarot at parties and pop-ups of all kinds!
As of November 2024, I am based out of Bed-Stuy, NYC, and I’d be happy to travel anywhere in Brooklyn, Queens, or Manhattan.
If you’re farther afield, not to worry! I’ve hosted a handful of tarot parties via Zoom — anything is possible.
For private tarot parties, I’ll charge a flat rate by the hour plus the cost of each reading for you and your guests. You can see my tarot offerings here; typically we’ll do 15 minutes per person.
For larger groups, like a wedding reception or a corporate event, we can negotiate a bespoke package deal by the hour.
I can even customize an event that combines some 101 teaching with personalized readings for you and your guests. You can read more about my educational programs here.
While I mostly offer tarot parties, I have done a number of astrology parties as well, so that’s definitely on the table! Check out my astrology offerings here.
As of January 2025, I am now booking all private parties through my vendor profile on The Bash. You can request a quote directly on their website, or else shoot me an email at kate (at) thelaundresstarot (dot) com, if that feels easier! Either works for me.
For pop-up readings — in cafes, bars, and other community spaces — typically I set up shop in a corner and handle all the sign-ups and transactions myself. Essentially you’ll provide me with a space to do my work, and I’ll provide you with entertainment for your patrons.
If you have another financial arrangement in mind, I’m all ears. With a little ingenuity, I know we can come up with something that meets your needs and mine!